Registered Electrical Contractor

“As a registered electrical contractor, you commit yourself to high industry standards. Macmor stands for outstanding quality and excellent workmanship.”
Ross MacArthur, Managing Director
Since more than 30 years, Macmor Electrical is a registered electrical contractor in Melbourne in the commercial, healthcare, educational and retail industry. Our A-grade electricians are not only experts in their field, but also issue the necessary certificates of electrical safety for all work they carry out. We make sure that our results meet and exceed your expectations. Macmor offers standard and additional electrical services in order to provide you with a full range of options to get your projects done by only one registered electrical contractor.
In past projects for i.e. Ridley Feed Mill, we have installed electrical cabling, an underground reticulation for high-voltage mains and a brand new, efficient main switchboard. As a registered electrical contractor, we were also hired by Haileybury College, completing different and ongoing projects such as renewing the lighting in their aquatics centre and rolling out a new audio-visual infrastructure. Our loyal clients are convinced of our high-quality workmanship and the excellent training and expertise of us as a registered electrical contractor. Would you let us convince you, too?